Friday, October 3, 2014


     I don't do CrazyGuyOnaBike journals, but I do write journals.  I have DRAFTED one for the Grand Teton and Yellowstone trip.  It is written in my first person POV, so it will tend to be a little folksy and not reflective of what others might have experienced.
     Being 28 pages long, I have not had time yet to edit the obvious typos that I am certain crept into it.  I wrote it on a laptop which has a bad cursor jump.  I wanted to have something to share on this month's FOGBEE newsletter.  I don't plan a November issue.
    Naturally, I borrowed photos from everyone who shared them with me.  Thank you.  Here is the link to the REVISED journal
    I have edited my photos, but not the videos and I have a lot of the latter.  I often make photoshows with videos and stills, but with my priority on the journal have not had time.  I am not sure of when the photoshow will happen.
    Bruce has given me a DVD with his stuff.  I will marry it up with what I have and send a copy of the composite to anyone who asks.

1 comment:

  1. Great recount of our trip. Thanks to you and Dave for organizing and providing support for this grand adventure.


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