Monday, June 30, 2014

Recent Yellowstone Communication: Dinner

From:           Date: Jun 27, 2014
Subject: Your Yellowstone Reservation Confirmation.
To:          David Shumaker

DATE    TIME   FACILITY                EVENT        ADULTS
9/07/14 5:45PM Lake Hotel Dinner       DINING 4-TOP   12 
9/09/14 5:15PM Old Faithful Inn Dinner DINING 6-TOP   12  

From: David Shumaker  Sent: June 29, 2014
To: Bennett Cowan        Cc: Tom Evans; Bruce Day
Subject: Re: MORE INFO?

Ben, I will let Tom reply on the hotel reservations since he is the most knowledgeable about those.  It does seem though that you should switch (Pat Gleason's??) reservations to your name for the park hotels.
. . I have made dinner reservations for two nights only...Lake Yellowstone and Old Faithful.  There are no reservations possible at Mammoth.  It is strictly first come first serve at the restaurants there.
. . Currently we are holding 12 seats at both locations.  I have six friends/relatives that state they are interested in coming/riding.  That is why I reserved additional seats.

From: David Shumaker  Sent:June 29, 2014
Subject: Re: MORE INFO?

Tom, I agree, 14 is more than 12.    Twelve was the top on-line reservation limit when I started this 3 weeks ago.   
. . I thought about asking you to book 4 more but let's wait a couple days and see if I can get anything sorted out.   I did talk to Mike Kovach and he (and Sonia) are definitely interested.  He wants a final checkout with his cardiologist first.  The California guy is definitely out.
. . Brian, Charlie (cousin) and Lee (son-in-law) are still in play.  I do not think any of their wives are considering to participate.  Actually this only adds to 13 max unless I am missing someone.  I really do not expect them all to go so I think we are OK.  But since these 3 are working, it is difficult to get them to finalize their plans or not.

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