Monday, October 27, 2014


. . Bruce has culled down the pictures that he and Wilma took on this trip.  He has also done a good job of titling and sequencing their stuff.  I have cleaned up Sharyn and my pictures but have not titled or sequenced them.  The entire collection is now under 4GB and can fit on one DVD.

We have created a 31-minute narrated video using group photos.
  View it on YouTube by CLICKING HERE.   

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Review Of Yellowstone National Park

     Upon our return Bruce Day and Dave Shumaker in coordination with Adventure Cycling Association provided a review of Yellowstone National Park as seen by a bicyclist.  This review should be of interest to anyone planning a bicycle tour in this park. They also provided recommendations as to how the park can be made more bicycle friendly.  A copy can be found by CLICKING HERE.
     Although they did not review Grand Tetons National Park and Jackson WY, we found both these two locations to be very bicycle friendly with paved bike trails and bicycle racks.

Friday, October 3, 2014


     I don't do CrazyGuyOnaBike journals, but I do write journals.  I have DRAFTED one for the Grand Teton and Yellowstone trip.  It is written in my first person POV, so it will tend to be a little folksy and not reflective of what others might have experienced.
     Being 28 pages long, I have not had time yet to edit the obvious typos that I am certain crept into it.  I wrote it on a laptop which has a bad cursor jump.  I wanted to have something to share on this month's FOGBEE newsletter.  I don't plan a November issue.
    Naturally, I borrowed photos from everyone who shared them with me.  Thank you.  Here is the link to the REVISED journal
    I have edited my photos, but not the videos and I have a lot of the latter.  I often make photoshows with videos and stills, but with my priority on the journal have not had time.  I am not sure of when the photoshow will happen.
    Bruce has given me a DVD with his stuff.  I will marry it up with what I have and send a copy of the composite to anyone who asks.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Final Edits to this Blog

As the final closing edit to this Blog, 
I have made it PUBLIC and have restored the TRANSAM page.

The 500-mile Grand Tetons and Yellowstone bike ride exceeded everyone's expectations by a considerable margin.  The 17.5 GB and nearly 4000 pictures and videos attest to how spectacular our 9-day ride was.  We have since opened our planning website to the public at .  It will take a while longer to digest the photos and videos for sharing.

We have, however, three awards for our trip.  King of the Mountain goes to Andrew, who was the first to climb the 9500-foot plus Teton and Dunraven passes without gasping for oxygen and then make the ten-mile downhill harrowing descents without launching himself off a cliff. The EFI goes to Anne and Ben Cowan who never allowed anything to stand in their way to riding Every Fantastic Inch of our route.  The Ultimate Tourist goes to Dean who with boundless energy never missed any tourist attraction along the route.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Update - 8/26/14

. . The Daily SKED has been updated to include 1) a change in the time for dinner reservations at Old Faithful Lodge, 2) Andrew and Dean's arrival/departure from Jackson Hole Airport, and 3) the "final" list of participants. We now have seven bicyclists on every day and nine bicyclists on several of the days.
. . The car ride home will be as eventful as days in the park, especially on day #2 and #3.  On those days we really need to be on the road by 8AM at the latest (preferably by 7AM on day #2).

Friday, August 22, 2014

Withdrawing from tour

Well, we're down to the wire almost for the beginning of our Yellowstone trip and I'm sad to have to say this that I'm not going to make it because of Sciatica.  I know I've only been involved for a few months with the tour but still it's a great let-down for me.  Just a couple weekends back we were in Charleston and I went on a ride of just under 20 miles and I had to finish it almost on one leg.  It was disturbing but not overly--there had been times when I'd have to slow down after a few miles into a ride to rest my right leg a little. After a short spell of backing off, I am able to get back on it with no more problem.  But not this time.  I had a follow up appointment with a GP for a UTI when I told him about this leg issue--he confirmed the Sciatica.  I was put on an antibiotic for the UTI 10 days before so I couldn't be given a Steroid injection that might have a chance to quiet down the nerve--the drug interaction could have very severe side effects.  An anti inflammatory I was given hasn't helped at all and the leg pain is only getting worse.  I have had a couple back surgeries already for this same thing. 

Thanks for the invitation, Dave, to join the GT/YST--you are a great group of guys and I hope I have a chance to ride with you all again.  I will be following your tour with great interest on the blog and on Facebook.



Thursday, August 21, 2014

Yellowstone Weather - An Added Blog Link

I have added a link in the right sidebar (near the top) showing the ten day forecast for Yellowstone.  Unlike the high temperatures that Anne & Ben reported about their bike tour, Yellowstone is expected to be COLD and WET for the next 10 days.  It would be my best guess that we need to plan on cold temperatures in the 50's during our ride and in the 30's at night, but continue to watch the forecast by clicking on this weather link.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Routes and cues

I've reworked the Sked page more to my liking and redone the Routes page with what I think is the most recent and final routes. I'm now working on each day's Garmin gpx files to include the points of interest and doing cue sheets for each day with the same. Cue sheets will appear under the planning section, daily cues, on the right panel as I complete them. Please look my routes page over and any cue sheets done so far. It takes me a while to do these cue sheets but it is the only way I can fix the route in my head.  Please let me know if you have any corrections for what I've done so far and any suggestions before I get too far down the wrong path.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Night Sky

. . Unfortunately, the moon will not be cooperating for a dark sky when we are in Wyoming.  It will be nearly full at that time.  However, not all is lost.  The moon is not visible for the entire night.  The best time for a dark sky is 4:30AM on September 7'th.  We'll be at Colter Bay at that time.
. . For those who want to check out their own viewing schedule, here is a handy tool.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Details

. . Without a doubt, the devil is in the details.  I have outlined a "suggested" detailed hourly-by-hourly schedule to help us see/visit all the major points of interest and to make it easy for the non-bicyclists to meet the bicyclists (if they want to) for shared photo-opts and lunches.  The schedules assume that we ride at tour (aka snail) pace, which usually is 10-mph average.  On all days I have included a lunch plan.
. . I have updated RideWithGPS maps for several days with new mileage.  I have a new plan for the ride to Ashton, for the day we ride to Driggs, and for the ride back to Jackson through Grand Teton pass.
. . We have two early dinner reservations at Yellowstone Lake and Old Faithful Lodge.  So the schedule on those two days is tight.
. . We are probably not going to need a SAG on most days when the non-bicyclists meet us in route. On the other days I have attempted a preliminary look at a SAG schedule that does not keep anyone a long time in the van.
. . Please check the SKED page.  Comments? Suggestions? Revisions?

Friday, August 8, 2014

GT/YS Tour Participant Update

The full GT/YS tour participants are...

Ben & Anne Cowan
Bruce & Wilma Day
Tom & Sharyn Evans
Dave & Alicia Shumaker
Mike & Sonia Kovach

Additional participates in the first part of the tour are...

Nicole Shumaker       Arrive Friday evening, Sept 5th and depart early Friday morning, Sept 12th.
Sharad Bhaskaran      Nicole's friend.  Arrive Friday, Sept 5 and depart Tuesday, Sept 9th.
Brian Shumaker         Arrive Fri late or Sat Early, Sept 5/6 and depart Fri/Sat??

Nicole has firm airline reservations.  Sharad and Brian still are working on theirs.  Nicole and Brian both have in park hotel reservations, but need to make them in Jackson & West Yellowstone.

I believe that all of Bob Schofield and Pat Gleason's tour reservations have now been transferred or cancelled.  I think that only my other daughter, Lisa Mirman, has Park reservations that will not be used.  Since I do not know of anyone else needing rooms, I will tell her to cancel her reservations now.

I have arranged to take out three additional bikes for these individuals to ride - one each from Bob Schofield, Bud Park and David Irvine.

To my knowledge, all other persons who were considering the tour have decided it is not possible to participate this time.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Great Rides on Day 1, 2 & 3 of Return

I am posting great potential rides during the ride home.  I would like comments to see if you agree/are interested/or completely refuse.

Day 1 Monday, Sep 15           Jackson to Buffalo
Mile 55 to 100                         9550 Ft down to 6340 Ft.     Almost all down hill.   Nat'l Forest
Mile 301 to 338 (day's end)     9640 Ft down to 4550 Ft.                 "                           "

Day 2 Tuesday, Sep 16          Buffalo to Rapid City
Mile 191 to 227 (day's end)     5840 Ft down to 3540 Ft.   Almost all down hill.  Black Hills NF

Day 3 Wednesday, Sep 17    Rapid City to Chamberlin
Mile 40 to 75                           2930 Ft down to 2400 Ft.     Gradual down hill.   Bad Lands NP

These are all Recovery Rides with a little screaming fun.  Two are at the day's end so we can let the ladies go ahead and just ride into the motel.   The street views show some construction and rumble but overall looks good.

Park Services

. . I have added a SERVICES page to this blog and entered what I think we need to know.  Please review. An important note is WiFi and cell service is at best very limited in the parks.  We will not be able to pull up the pages on this blog.  I suggest we try to capture the stuff that we need to know on this blog so we can print it and have it available on the ride.  So please comment on stuff you thing we need to have.
. . I added telephone numbers for Medical Services which I hope we won't need, but it may be incomplete for anything special that any of us might require on short notice.  FYI: the last time I was in these parks, I was sick and needed medical attention at the Jackson Lake Clinic.
. . The one thing for which I have not a suggestion is communications.  I have small transceivers with very limited range, maybe a couple of miles.  I don't think they are adequate for communications with a SAG or with the non-bicyclists.  Any thoughts?

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Travel Plans to/from Jackson WY

Day and Evans concur on travel and lodging plans to/from Jackson WY.  I have created a New Page, Bruce Rte, and place them their along with links showing the routes and the motels.

I have also created a New Page, Dave Rte, for the other van, but I am not sure of what they are doing.  I have entered nothing.  I will fill it it when they confirm their exact schedule.

Note From Sonia to Dave S

All our reservation has been made.  I talked with Pat and she just said:  "You can just call them and pretend you are me"  I said, OK, as long as I have your permission to do so.

Today, I called  and with no problems I was able to transfer Pat's reservation for Colter Bay to Michael Kovach.  I gave them our credit card number and they will credit Pat's credit card within 7 to 10 days.

I also called Yellowstone Valley Lodge and make our reservations for Sept 2, 3 and 4th, 2014 in Livingston, MT.  They were charging me over $200 / night, but I said you paid $169/night, so they gave me the same price you got.

Now, I was trying to find the e-mail you sent telling us about the hotels  for Aug.27, 28, 29, but I could not find it.  Would you please send it again.  You said something about Country Inn at St.Peters $81.00,   La Quinta $95.00 MO to Salina.  
I wanted to ask Mike about whereabouts St.Peters is, but as I mentioned it, I could not find the e-mail.

Would, please let me know where these places the name of the State.

I would like to check some other hotels if I just have the name of the town and the State.  Mike and I have hotel points with Best Western and Hampton Inn that we could use.

Today, Saturday, 7-26-14 Mike went on 62 miles ride, 5600 vertical ride.  He came home very, very tired.  It was near 90 today and he lived.  He started at 7:30 am and finished the ride at 2 p.m.  He came home and slept and slept.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Motel Options - Ride Home

I have searched the stops on our preferred route/sked.  I searched for prices in the range of $100 which is on the lower end of what is available.  Here is what I have found:
- Buffalo, WY:          Days Hotel (click here)
- Rapid City, SD:      Super 8 (click here)
- Chamberlain, SD:  Super 8 (click here)
- Blue Springs, MO: Econo Lodge (click here)

Motels Recommendations Day/Evans - To Jackson

I suggest the following two motels for Day/Evans drive to Jackson

Wednesday Sep 3'rd: ($59): Super 8 Lawrenceburg, KS (click here)
Thursday Sep 4'th: ($81): Super 8 Westminister Denver (click here

Additional Dinner Reservations

I have made the additional dinner reservations at Yellowstone Lake and Old Faithful.  We now have reservations for 16 adults.

DATE      TIME       FACILITY                        EVENT                 ADULTS
9/07/14    5:15PM    Lake Hotel Dinner            DINING 4-TOP          4 
9/09/14    5:15PM    Old Faithful Inn Dinner    DINING 4-TOP          4 

. . The Lake Hotel time matches Dave's the Old Faithful is a half-hour earlier.  Other than asking for something before 6:15P, the times were select by the park and not by me.  As Dave noted earlier, we can't make reservations at Mammoth.
. . No one checked out Colter Bay. I suspect we may want to eat in the Lodge.  49 years ago, the view of the Mt. Moran through its huge rear window is spectacular, but expect a pricey menu.

Return from Yellowstone - Second Alternative

In response to Dave's suggestion to my first alternate route, I have outline a second alternative for returning.  I have put short drives on day's 1 through 3 to allow for touring and then made a "beeline" for home on days 4 & 5.
Day #1: (338+sight seeing)
Day #2: (227+touring)
Day #3: (230+touring)
Day #4: (522)
Day #5: (562)


Sunday, July 20, 2014

Bike Covers

On Thursday Dave commented about us maybe wanting a bike cover for the long trip.  I did a quick google and found this.

They were not as expensive as I expected, but I am not sure they are compatible with a bike carrier.

Any thoughts on this matter?

Saturday, July 19, 2014

I keep getting chastised (correctly) by Tom for not posting only on the blog.  Also both he and my wife corrected Tom and Bruce's departure date.  They leave Sept 3.

The time is getting close.  So far one couple, Ben and Anne Cowan, have already departed for six weeks of bicycling and camping in the NW before the cap off their trip with our ride in Grand Tetons/Yellowstone.  

The next group to leave will be Mike and Sonia Kovach & Alicia and I on Aug 27th.   We will drive to Denver then tour up to Livingston, MT to spend 3 days with Marilyn Clotz (my neighbor from Amherst), then go to Jackson Hole.

Sharyn and Tom Evans & Wilma and Bruce Day will start driving out on Sept 3rd to Jackson Hole.  This late departure is because Wilma will be just getting back from a trip to Mexico with her sisters.  This will bring the vehicle count to one station wagon and two mini vans.

Brian is flying into Jackson Hole on Friday Sept 5th.  Charlie and Lee, please let us know your travel plans when you have them set.  

Regular updates are being posted on the website.  Charlie and Lee, I think that you still have may not have gotten repeat access to the site.  If this is true, let me know and we will send another invitation so you receive and can post updates.

Both Tom and I will have bike racks on our van.  One van will be available for SAG and the other will be for the non-riders to use for their touring. 

I have attached a link to my tour prep check list.   

You can use it as a guide also.  One caution...we all have a tendency to over pack.  Except for the bike, all this fits in one small gym bag.  We will be close enough to stores to get most unexpected things that we may need....except for critical bike parts.  Even in this case, with as many riders going, we will probably have most everything necessary to fix most mechanical breakdowns.

Please let me know if you have any questions/suggestions.   However, it is better if you post on the blog so all riders are kept up to date.  More details about all I discussed above are on the website.

See you in the Wild West....soon.


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Grand Teton Night Sky

. . One of my fondest memories of my last visit to the Grand Tetons was the night sky.  Forty-nine years ago, as Sharyn and I drove back from Yellowstone to our cabin near Jackson Hole lodge, the road was lit only by the stars in the sky.  It was an experience that I have failed to duplicate since then and I have really tried. A program on NPR, about the loss of the "night" sky and that the majority of Americans may never witness the Milky Way, reminded me of it.
. . I thought I would check out darkness in Yellowstone to see if we might again have that opportunity.  Below is a picture from space.  Click on it to enlarge it.  The view may not be as spectacular as it was for us nearly fifty years ago, but it looks good.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Yellowstone and Grand Tetons Road Construction Info 2014

The following was sent by Sonia Kovach:
Yellowstone National Park
2014 Scheduled Road Construction
  • Reference the numbered dots and map below to see where road construction is scheduled for 2014.
  • Gibbon River Bridge (near the Norris Campground road) to Gardner River Bridge (near the Indian Creek Campground road): Expect road construction with possible half hour delays any time the road is open.
  • Starting June 1st, the road will close nightly from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., Sunday through Thursday nights. The road will NOT be closed Friday and Saturday nights.
  • 4th of July weekend starting at 5 p.m. Thursday, July 3, through 7 a.m. Monday, July 7: no road construction activities will occur on the Norris to Mammoth road project.
  • Labor Day weekend starting at 6 p.m. Friday, August 29, through 6 a.m. Tuesday, September 2: no road construction activities will occur on the Norris to Mammoth road project.
  • Starting September 14 at 11:00 p.m. and extending to September 30 at 7:00 a.m., there will be a full road closure for this section of road. The detour for this section will be over Dunraven Pass.
constuction zone 2b
  • Isa Lake Bridge Replacement: Bridge reconstruction is underway with possible half hour delays. Road closes September 2 at 6:00 AM for the season.
2014 scheduled road construction
Motorcyclists are advised to slow down and use extreme caution on loose gravel in construction areas.
General Road Construction Information
Road construction is perennial in Yellowstone National Park. In general, park roads have either been recently repaired or reconstructed, or are scheduled for repair or reconstruction. Approximately 80% of main park roads (about 185 mi or 295 km) are in a structurally deficient state, with poor quality road bases failing under the weight, speed, and volume of modern traffic for which they were not designed. Harsh winter weather and short construction seasons provide additional challenges.
These needs are now being addressed under a 20-year, $300 million Federal Lands Highway Program for Yellowstone National Park. In addition, park road repair crews will be working in other areas of the park throughout the seasons.
Yellowstone reconstructs its roads during the spring, summer and fall seasons, which means you will likely encounter delays depending on your destination. It's a good idea to check with our visitor centers or entrance stations for current information and possible delays.
Recommended Road and Construction Resources Before Traveling
Yellowstone Info
Information about our roads.
  • Yellowstone's Park Roads page for the current road status.
  • Current road information by phone: 307-344-2117
Montana InfoInformation about Montana road projects.
Wyoming Info
Information about Wyoming road projects.
Grand Teton National Park Info
Information about their roads.
  • call 307-739-3614
  • Grand Teton's newspaper includes a road construction map for further reference and can be found online, or picked up at any park entrance station or visitor center.
Other Numbers to Call for Road Information
  • Beartooth Highway: 1-888-285-4636
  • Cody Chamber: 1-800-393-2639
  • Red Lodge Chamber: 1-888-281-0625
  • Cooke City Chamber: 406-838-2495

Monday, July 14, 2014

H'ville to Colorado Springs - Depart Wed, Aug 27 arrive Friday, Aug 29

Mike and Sonia,   (Tom reminds me that I am supposed to Post in the Blog, not send e-mails.)

Three Days, ~ 6 hours/400 miles driving/day.

Hendersonville to St Peters, MO to Salina, KS to Colorado Springs CO. 

Proposed Hotels, before AARP Disc
Wed Aug 27 - Country Inn and Suites, St Peters   $81
Thur Aug 28 - La Quinta    $95
Fri Aug 29    - Colorado Springs   Location??

Let me know what you think.


Return From Yellowstone

Here is a preliminary route for returning from Yellowstone

Monday,      Sep 18: (510 miles)
Tuesday,      Sep 19: Tour the Badlands
Wednesday, Sep 20: (510 miles)
Thursday,    Sep 21: (541 miles)
Friday,         Sep 22: (239 miles)


Driving to Jackson WY

In order to begin the discussion on the drive from H'ville to Jackson, I have mapped the direct drive route for everyone's consideration, but specifically for Day and Evans.

Wednesday,   Sep 3: (621 miles)
Thursday,      Sep 4: (551 miles)
Friday,           Sep 5: (540 miles)

An alternative would be to start on Tuesday (Labor Day) and add a little touring while in Colorado around Rocky Mt National Park.  Comments?

Monday, July 7, 2014

Current Travel Plans

I cobbled together our latest email on travel plans.  I find it much easier having this info in one spot than trying to sort through email at a later date.

On Wed, Jul 3, 2014 PM, Dave wrote:
Alicia and Dave will be leaving ~Aug 27 for a direct drive to Denver (probably 3 days at our pace) then 2-3 days touring from Denver to Livingston.  They will spend tue-thur nights in Livingston and join up with everyone Friday afternoon in Jackson.
Mike and Sonia may/want to ride with Dave/Alicia. Brian plans to fly in for most of ride starting Friday.

On Wed, Jul 2, 2014 PM, Bruce wrote:
Tom, Absolutely perfect!  I just talked with Ben Cowan and he is also all set. 

On 7/2/2014 PM, Tom wrote:
Bruce, Here is what I told Sharyn.
1) We would be driving my van.
2) We would be going with Bruce and WilmaDave and Alicia are driving out to Livingstone & we would meet them in Jackson.
3) We would be doing minimum sight-seeing on the way out, due the short turn-around time after Wilma’s return from Mexico.
4) We are likely to return by way of Mt Rushmore and spend a day touring the National Park.
5)Nothing is locked in and we are flexible.

The flying option does not sound attractive to me and likely to be a big pain.  Sharyn does not care one way or another, but I suspect she would prefer we stay together and drive rather than trying to split up with ladies on planes and guys in van.  She and Wilma get along too well.  We can stop every couple of hours for a cigarette break for them.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

To show I'm in

I just wanted to let everyone see that I'm in the blog.  Hopefully, I'll be able to come back without all the problems. (I've had many) I'm Mike Kovach and my wife, Sonia and I will be making the trip/tour also.  We're looking forward to just being with Dave and Alicia, Alicia being Sonia's sister.  Have lived far apart so long and actually, biking has brought us together it seems.  We'll be traveling out west together.

Monday, June 30, 2014

General YS Communications

All, I have setup the Yellowstone Blog so that all postings and comments to it are automatically relayed to Ben, Bruce, Dave, and me.  Otherwise this blog remains PRIVATE and not viewable by anyone not invited, accept for NSA of course.
. . I have left the three or four additional people who show as "interested" setup as authors.  They do not receive this communications, but can log-in and see it.  The four additional adds that Dave sent (Mike, Charlie, etc) have not activated their invitations and as a result may not view this blog.
. . I suspect that when we head out in September, we will want to open the Blog to family members so they have access to where we expect to be and when.  We will need those email addresses early so we can confirm they can actually view it.

Reservations Issue

All, I would be careful about "releasing" reservations.  That may make them unavailable to Ben and Ann.  I would check with reservation services about transferring them to Ben and Ann in order to assure they get them.

Recent Communications: In-Park Rooms

From: Bruce Day                Sent: June 29, 2014
To: patgleas; dhshumaker1  Cc: bennettcowan; tom; Bob and Eva Schofield
Subject: Re: Yellowstone Reservations

Ok, 9/6/14: The way things are now Ann and Ben will take the other cabin in the two cabin unit I had originally booked for Bob and Ed.   And the following originally planned for Pat and Linda
. . (9/7/14): Ben and Ann will also take the rooms/Cabins at Yellowstone Resort Lake Lodge,  
. . (9/8/14): Mammoth Hot Springs, and 
. . (9/9/14): the Old Faithful Frontier Cabin
The rest are out of the park and individually reserved except for Ashton that did not require a deposit and Tom reserved for us all.
. . If that is correct and no one else has jumped in, all that needs to be done now is 

1) For Pat and Bob to release their reservations
2) Ben and Ann do not need to assume Pat's Colter Bay reservations.

Recent Yellowstone Communication: Dinner

From:           Date: Jun 27, 2014
Subject: Your Yellowstone Reservation Confirmation.
To:          David Shumaker

DATE    TIME   FACILITY                EVENT        ADULTS
9/07/14 5:45PM Lake Hotel Dinner       DINING 4-TOP   12 
9/09/14 5:15PM Old Faithful Inn Dinner DINING 6-TOP   12  

From: David Shumaker  Sent: June 29, 2014
To: Bennett Cowan        Cc: Tom Evans; Bruce Day
Subject: Re: MORE INFO?

Ben, I will let Tom reply on the hotel reservations since he is the most knowledgeable about those.  It does seem though that you should switch (Pat Gleason's??) reservations to your name for the park hotels.
. . I have made dinner reservations for two nights only...Lake Yellowstone and Old Faithful.  There are no reservations possible at Mammoth.  It is strictly first come first serve at the restaurants there.
. . Currently we are holding 12 seats at both locations.  I have six friends/relatives that state they are interested in coming/riding.  That is why I reserved additional seats.

From: David Shumaker  Sent:June 29, 2014
Subject: Re: MORE INFO?

Tom, I agree, 14 is more than 12.    Twelve was the top on-line reservation limit when I started this 3 weeks ago.   
. . I thought about asking you to book 4 more but let's wait a couple days and see if I can get anything sorted out.   I did talk to Mike Kovach and he (and Sonia) are definitely interested.  He wants a final checkout with his cardiologist first.  The California guy is definitely out.
. . Brian, Charlie (cousin) and Lee (son-in-law) are still in play.  I do not think any of their wives are considering to participate.  Actually this only adds to 13 max unless I am missing someone.  I really do not expect them all to go so I think we are OK.  But since these 3 are working, it is difficult to get them to finalize their plans or not.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Greater Yellowstone Tours FACEBOOK

It is quickly approaching the time for our big adventure.  You might want to watch the Cycle Greater Yellowstone Facebook page.  Although commercial groups like these are not permitted in the park, the page may give you some ideas.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Adventure Cycling in Yellowstone

Bruce shared his February copy of ACA magazine that published an article on Yellowstone.  You can view the article on-line by clicking here.  Gary had sent me information about this featured tour before we put together our trip.  The one thing I noticed is that they did not actually go through the parks.  I later found out commercial tour companies are not permitted in the park.  So our visit is likely to be a once in a lifetime opportunity for most people, because they aren't going to go through the effort of organizing their own tour.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Yelllowstone featured in Feb Adventure Cycling

The February 2014 issue of Adventure Cycling magazine features a tour of Greater Yellowstone. Haven't found anyone to read it to me yet but the pictures are pretty.  Also an even longer spread on RAGBRAI.
Anyone interested in a copy, let me know. I can have them send a free issue. Of course you get on their list and I can't guarantee that it won't be the June or July issue you actually get. There are worse list to be on and all their issues are great. This one is just especially greater.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Date Error on Confiration at Al's Westward Ho

. . The dates for reservations at Al's Westward Ho are incorrect for Bruce, Tom, and Dave.  They should be for Sep 10 through 12'th.  I picked up the wrong date of Sep 11 through 13 when I booked these online.  I have called the booking agent and asked her to switch these to Sep 10 through 12'th.  She was unable to get through to the motel by phone, but expects no problems or price changes.  She sent the motel notification of the change by email.  Please be on the lookout for an email confirming on the new dates and let me know when you get it.  If we don't see something in the next couple of days, I'll call again.
. . This is not an issue for Anne & Ben.  I made their reservations for the correct date.
. . Please thank Dave for checking over his email confirmations.  That is always important when you know the guy plugging in these dates types with only two fingers.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Motel Confirmations

. . I have added our booking of rooms outside the parks on our Spreadsheet ARRANGEMENTS.  You can find it in the right sidebar.  Included are the confirmation numbers.  I don't have them all.  In Driggs I made those arrangements via telephone operator (she didn't give the CNs to me but sent each of you a confirming email) and in Jackson I missed printing the Sep 14 night for Ben.
. . Please verify that you have received a confirmation by email for all motels except Rankin.  That one was also done over the phone with the owner who did not require your CC.  I "held" all the Rankin under my CC. He'll transfer them to you cards when we arrive. (FYI: there is some big bike ride the week after our stay and he, at first, thought I was one of them.)
. . If you send me the missing Confirmation Codes (as noted above) I will add them to the ARRANGEMENTS spreadsheet.  Regarding security, most places will still require you to show the CC under which it was booked.  For those of you with multiple CCs, don't forget to bring the one for these bookings.
. . We still have to assign Ben & Anne to the Park cabins whose occupants have since cancelled.  Bruce made those bookings and asked the people not to cancel their rooms, so he should coordinate those transfers.  Park units have already charged everyone's CC.
. . Lastly, I requested Senior/AARP rates where they were available (so bring your AARP cards).  I also couldn't get everyone the identical rooms.  It is kind of the luck of the draw. I got either Kings or Queens and I had to upgrade Dave (last one as I was booking) one night in Jackson.
. . Lastly, Lastly, I can't vouch for these selections.  As you know, stuff in this resort area is very expensive.  I spent many hours searching for AVERAGE quality lodging that did not bust your travel budgets.  Cross your fingers.  Some motels have cancellation fees.  Those that do not, I marked NCF in my previous motel post.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Rooms Outside the Park Are Booked

All outside the park rooms are booked.  I'll fill in the details later.


Elk Refuge (307) 200 4732
CF $25

Friday, Sep 5, 2014 BOOKED $170.00

Sunday Sep 14, 2014 BOOKED $170.00

Colter Bay
Saturday, Sep 6, 2014

Yellowstone Lake Sunday, Sep 7, 2014

Monday, Sep 8, 2014

Old Faithful Tuesday, Sep 9, 2014


Al Westward HO

CF 10%

Wed, Sep 10, 2014 BOOKED $142.00

Thu, Sep 11, 2014 BOOKED $142.00


Rankin Motel (208) 652-3570 NCF

(208) 232-8496

Friday, Sep 12, 2014 BOOKED $75.60



Super 8 Motel

Saturday, Sep 13,2014 BOOKED $100.11

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Thanks for the invite, but we're late to the party!!

And greetings to the group!

Bruce called last night to ask about our plans--we're in!  Anne and I have no big bicycle rides lined up for 2014 yet and have been on a waiting list for hiking the back-country of Yosemite in August too long to think that we'll make the cut, so a ride around Yellowstone fits nicely--Thanks again for including us.

Do I owe someone for a room reservation?  After reading all the sequential blogs, seems like last October was the time to make plans!  At this late date, doubt that we could find accommodations on our own, so we'll count on your having already done the real leg work. But let me know.

At this point, we're planning on having a car in Colorado late August so should be able to make the jumping off point without problems--2 sons living in Golden with Colorado girls that ain't coming home, so we make an annual trip out and usually ride bikes while there.  BikeTourColorado has been a past trip.

So in the meantime, everyone should stay healthy, rubber side down, and no dogs.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Riding at Altitude

. . I have a new neighbor.  He is a mountain biker who has ridden off-road from the Canadian border to Mexico and routinely mountain bikes in Colorado.  I brought this link up to get an idea as to what he might do.  However, the important aspect is he has lots of experience riding at altitudes that we'll find in Wyoming.  So I asked him for advice.
. . He told me that he has a regimen that he follows.  The two most important parts of it is 1) he starts taking ginkgo biloba (80-120 mg/day) a couple of weeks prior to the ride, and 2) he drinks lots of water.  I paid especial attention to the water because that has always been my nemesis.  He did not warn of any serious experiences that he had.
. . The primary benefit of gingko is that it improves blood flow to the brain, which translates to more oxygen to the brain in these thin atmospheres and prevents against hypoxia (which can develop at altitudes over 5000 feet).  Here's a link to WebMD regarding gingko. 
. . Most people underestimate their water needs, because at altitude perspiration is not obvious and signs of loss are not obvious.I have heard that dehydration is a common altitude problem.
. . Then there are the obvious recommendations of acclimating at least 2 days at altitude and avoiding alcohol.
. . Altitude sensitivity is a personal thing.  I have skied and hiked at 11,000 feet with no noticeable effects of altitude, but I planned to be cautious because that was done before I had to make routine visits to a cardiologist.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Changes to Route, Lodging, and Schedule

. . Because the last day was requiring a nearly 6000 feet of climbing and 71 mile of pedaling, I have broken it up into two days.  On the first day of the split we will ride from Ashton to Driggs and spend the night.  Finding a reasonably price motel in this area was not easy, but I found a Super 8.  Then we ride OVER THE MOUNTAIN (not kidding) to nearly 9000 feet to Jackson.
. . If your schedule does not permit the extra day, one of the SAG vehicles will take you down the mountain to Jackson which only a half-hour away from Driggs.
. . We also have the option of ending the ride in Driggs, avoiding the BIG climb, and ferrying everyone to Jackson.  THINK ABOUT IT and let's decide in the next couple of days.
. . The other thing I was also finding was everything being sold out. Once everyone is comfortable with the new plan, we should probably book rooms.  Warning: some of the suggested stays have cancellation fees.  Sorry, I appears to be a "seller's market." So we all need to be sure of the plan/commitment before booking.
. . We have one other couple (Ben and Anne Cowan) considering on joining us.  We'll know by Jan 16'th.  We should probably make that our reservation booking day.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Bicycle Rules for Grand Tetons

Click here for a copy of rules for bicycling in Grand Teton National Park. Whereas bicycles may use multi-use pathways, such as the one from Jackson to Jenny Lake, the may not ride on trails.  These are for the exclusive use of pedestrians. The nice trails that skirt Jenny Lake are off limits to bicycles.
Note the one-way entrance to Jenny lake Road.  This not how I have mapped the ride.  Bob and I discussed this issue earlier.  I commented that we can decide when we are on the road if we want to add the Jenny Lake Road to our ride.  It would add about 7 miles to that first days ride.  The ride is almost flat and it may not be a big deal.  We can decide based on how well all have acclimated to the altitude.

Ashton to Tetonia Trail

Here is information about the Ashton-Tetonia Trail.  It has gravel surface that is not-suitable for road bikes.

The Ashton-Tetonia Trail ( Here is Trail Map ) officially opened in 2010 and extends nearly 30 miles between the towns of Ashton and Tetonia, Idaho. The trail occupies an abandoned rail spur once operated by Union Pacific (the Oregon Short Line). The trail includes five bridges and restored rail trestles. The gravel trail is managed by State of Idaho Parks and Recreation and is open to snowmobiles in winter when there is enough snow to groom the trail.

Mountain bikers and hikers might want to go from Ashton to Tetonia so that you can enjoy views of the Teton Moutains; however, this is slighly uphill (only 800 feet elevation gain over the course of the trail).

There's a 1.4-mile detour off the main rail line in the France-Drummond area in Fremont County to skirt private property where access has been denied. Take County Road 4400 E. (gravel road at Rt. 32) north to County 700 N. (2-track dirt) then head west to pick up the trail again. Note the snowmobile route takes a different detour in the Drummond-France area than non-motorized users.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

URGENT - Route Change

. . I am having a lot of trouble finding reasonable lodging in the Ashton area.  Also, the ride to to/from Ashton are our two longest days with 65 and 71 miles each day (at elevation). 
. . Originally, I was trying to keep the ride to eight days, mainly to make it more attractive to those trying to fit it into the work-week.  But that does not seem to be a big issue with the current group.  I want to add a day ending at Island Park where there are lots of alternative for lodging and then ride to Diggs where we again have lots of lodging alternatives.  That would give us three days of about 45 miles of pedaling instead of two days with with the 65 and 71. 
. . If the added day is a problem, we can eliminate the extra-day in West Yellowstone. 

Please comment ASAP to we can confirm the route and 
make lodging reservations outside of the parks.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Reservations Outside the Park

. . I made a initial stab at suggesting lodging outside the park.  For the most part selections are expensive and have significant cancellation fees.  I have listed a first pass recommendation on the Lodging page of this blog.  Please review and tell me what you think.  I picked some that are reasonable in price, but see if something else strikes your fancy 
. . Ashton is the one destination that does not have much from which to pick.  We probably ought to book these places before the end of January to avoid getting stuck with the "big bill" rooms.  Please post your comments to this post rather than sending emails back and forth.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Bob and Ed CANCEL

Hi everyone,
. . This is to let you know that I’m withdrawing from the bike tour, for family reasons.
. . I had intended to carry on down the road for a few days after Yellowstone and have accumulated information such as maps, cue sheets, accommodation bookings etc.  If you or anyone you know is interested in continuing this second leg of riding in my absence, please get in touch and I’ll pass on the material in electronic format.
. . Tom, many thanks for the chance to participate with your group in the Yellowstone ride.  I hope you and the rest of the FOGBees have a whale of a time and wish you all safe cycling.

Sorry to hear that but it may be just as well for me. My son wants to go backpacking in Glacier and I don't think I can swing both trips and although I hear you are a great fellow, I'd opt for family. Unless Tom has need for the rooms, go ahead and cancel and let me know what I owe you. Perhaps another time. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Bob Makes Jackson Motel Reservations

. . I’ve reserved a room(2QB) at Motel 6 for Thursday 4th and Friday 5th  September; the property is only two-tenths of a mile away from the Elk Refuge Inn so, as you say, a gathering of the clans should present no logistical problem. Cancellation is free on the usual terms, in case I don’t get preferred airline connections. 
. . In any event, I should be able to ‘on-sell’ accommodation to Ed for the Friday night, at one-quarter the nominal cost, i.e., $65. I’ll contact Pat and suggest she make a choice for herself and Linda, between Motel 6 and the Elk.
. . I’ve assumed Bruce and Wilma will want to follow you and David, in joint couples arrangements, to keep the ladies together.
. . Have you decided whether to stay in Jackson on Saturday, 13th September, or leave for Hendersonville, immediately after the cycling finishes that day?